每名申請者最多可獲批六個項目,以3:1的配對模式,向每家合資格企業/機構提供累計最多 60萬港元資助。申請者必須以現金投入不少於核准項目總成本四分之一的資金。 如核准項目成本為20萬港元,須以現金投入不少於5萬港元的資金,而計劃資助為餘下的四分三,即15萬港元。
每家企業/機構不得同時進行多於1個科技券計劃項目。除非資助協議另有規定或安排,否則每個項目一般應在 12個月內完成。
資料來源︰創新科技署 科技券 (TVP) 主頁
The TVP aims to subsidise local entities 1 on the use of technological
services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business
processes, in order to enhance their long-term competitiveness. TVP has been made a regular programme under the Innovation and Technology Fund (“ITF”) to strengthen the
government’s support for technology adoption by local entities.
Each applicant can be approved for a maximum of six projects, using a 3:1 matching ratio, providing a cumulative funding of up to HKD 600,000 to each eligible company/organization. Applicants are required to contribute cash funding of not less than one-fourth of the approved project's total cost. If the approved project cost is HKD 200,000, a minimum cash investment of HKD 50,000 is required, and the remaining three-fourths, which is HKD 150,000, will be funded as planned.
Each company/organization is not allowed to participate in more than one Technology Voucher Program project simultaneously. Unless specified or arranged otherwise in the funding agreement, each project is generally expected to be completed within 12 months.
Cyber security solution - One of the typical technological services and/or solutions covered by TVP