Play More
The tale of two ambitious young people, Andy and Alex, began with a shared passion for the world of mobile programming and gaming. After graduating from university, they took the plunge into entrepreneurship and founded Play More Limited in 2009. With their creativity, vision, and a bit of luck, they developed popular mobile games such as "Chinese Checkers", "Funny Slap", and "M-Pad" which achieved top rankings in the App Store. Their success was reported in various media outlets such as CNNGo, AppleDaily, and MetroPop.
Realizing that many corporations and organizations were eager to invest in and adopt mobile technologies to improve sales, production, and marketing, Play More began to explore enterprise solutions and expand their team to include experts in mobile app development. After three years of dedication and hard work, the team of fifteen had grown and developed into an avant-garde provider of mobile app/game, web design, and digital marketing solutions. Their clients include Dah Chong Hong, AIA, Targus, MAGin Fashion Group, PolyU, and many others.
Opening Hour